What’s wrong with being fulfilled and having work life balance?
Not a thing! It’s time to release the doubt, connect with your unlimited abilities, and start living your dream.
Do you feel...
Conflicted over priorities?
Like you’re on a hamster wheel?
Hurt by rejection?
That there is more in you that what results are showing?
I understand. I have been there. I’ve come through it.
I can get you through it too.

Hello, I am Christine Clark a Certified Transformational Life Coach.
The Coach for Your Entrepreneurial Life

Entrepreneurs are the most
courageous people I know.
If you have a side hustle, are in direct sales or network marketing, hold the title of agent, consultant, owner, are self employed in any capacity you are extraordinary. You deal with all the usual things the universe can give us in life, plus, all the flux of the business world. Entrepreneurship is living outside the box.
Being in business for yourself is the greatest personal growth program you will ever experience. It can raise you to triumphant heights and drag you to despairing depths. In my experience these extremes can happen within days and sometimes hours of each other. (true story)
In 1995 I leaped off the corporate ladder
To be an at home mom, manager of my husband’s business and a consultant in direct sales. I was literally doing it all. I suffered from guilt not being present with my family when I was working and not working when I focused on family. There were crushing feelings of inadequacy. The inner voice said I SHOULD be able to do more, climb higher, bring in more income. Looking back now I see the level I was operating at. I see the talent and the skills. Now I understand the self sabotage, limiting beliefs, and stories in my head that kept me from claiming my value. I know the blocks, shame and regret that would shut me down (sometimes for weeks) because I labeled an outcome as failure and proof that I was not enough.

2012 brought change
I stumbled across a mentor by clicking an offer for a free CD that opened a door. The door lead to understanding my sabotaging patterns. It introduced me to a whole community of entrepreneurs who, like me, were dealing with internal blocks, limiting beliefs, and negative head talk. (it wasn’t just me!) It lead me to hire my first coach. I gained awareness and began to shift my perceptions and stories. I built resilience and healed my most important relationship, the one with myself.
July 2015 Certified!
As the strategies changed my life I naturally began to train and coach those around me. In July 2015 I took another leap. This one in faith to be certified as a life coach. A calling I’ve been preparing for my entire life.
Living A Significant Life
As a transformational coach I am living my significant life. Whether I’m speaking to a group, facilitating conversations or working one on one I am in my element. Early on, as people responded with enthusiasm to what I said, I was taken aback. I was not prepared for the words out of my mouth to be a revelation for people. As I gained confidence in myself and my skill set I’ve increased my reach. Expanded my influence and continue to change lives daily. There is nothing more fulfilling than being the catalyst for someone to shift their perspective, gain self understanding, release baggage, or love and appreciate themselves at a deeper level.
I love what I do.
What I Know
The sabotage monsters don’t magically evaporate. They will always return, especially when we go for our dreams. To truly manage the monsters an outside catalyst is required. You can choose to keep doing what you are doing and struggle alone. You can choose community and choose to have someone walk beside you. Someone who meets you where you are. A coach with the skills to connect you with your inner resources, your best possible self. A coach who will be a sounding board and ultimate accountability partner.
If you are ready to make real and lasting change, I’m here. I am so looking forward to working with you, amazing person that you are.
1-on-1 Coaching Programs
6 Month Coaching Program
What you get:
- Six months of support
- Weekly or Bi-weekly sessions with Christine
- Text Accountability
Your Options:
- Option A: 26 Weekly 30 minute coaching sessions
- Option B: 13 Bi-Weekly (every other week) 60 minute coaching sessions
Your Investment:
- * Payment Plan: $500.00 down and six monthly payments of $365.83
- * Total Investment $2,695.00 USD
- * Full Value $4,680.00 USD
3 Month Coaching Program
What you get:
- Three months of support
- Weekly or Bi-weekly sessions with Christine
- Text Accountability
Your Options:
- Option A: 12 Weekly 30 minute coaching sessions
- Option B: 6 Bi-Weekly (every other week) 60 minute coaching sessions
Your Investment:
- * Payment Plan: $500.00 down and six monthly payments of $283.00
- * Investment $1,349.00 USD
- * Full Value $2,160.00 USD
* Full Value
As a Personal Development Coach with Motivating the Masses people paid $360 per hour for 1 on 1 coaching with me. You are getting a damn good deal! The soul of coaching, for me, is people reaching levels of excellence and prosperity they never dreamed possible. I am satisfied lowering the financial bar so more individuals have access.
Group Coaching Programs
Forging A Life Mastermind
In this 26 week program Coach Christine walks you through the Forging A Life curriculum for entrepreneurs that will take your personal and professional life to new heights.
Get fired up. Stay engaged. Be accountable.
This course melds practical hands on tactics to move your business forward with essential inner self development.
What you get:
- Personal powerful coaching in a small group of eight individuals.
- Weekly one hour calls via Zoom
- Private Facebook Group
- All calls recorded & available for download
Group Session Topics:
- Galvanize your goals
- Claim Your Success Elements
- Engineer Action steps
- Magnetize Your Marketing
- Origin Story Branding
- Break through the sabotage
- Manifest time
- Irresistible Connections
- Claim significance
- Think bigger
- Love yourself
- Mind set to skill set
- And much more
Your Investment:
- Investment $390.00 USD
- Payment Plan: Six monthly payments of $65.00
They Say
Jack DePond
husband, CLU, retired pastor -- Leon, Iowa
" Christine brings a sense of balance and priorities that are inline with what’s in the room. She comes in with a sense of recognizing others. "
Angela Hampton
South Carolina
" I am Angela Hampton, in South Carolina owner of Healing Hands Hamp health transformation services. Christine helped me find my voice and get the salary that I deserve. She helped me get my book well under way and also helped with weight loss. "
Angela Redmon
Palmdale, California
" Christine Clark was my life coach one year ago. She's very kind, thoughtful, and professional. The one thing I remember is, Christine taking my feelings into consideration. Our sessions would go by so fast because of good conversation. She has helped me to release negative things that didn't serve me and embrace beautiful amazing gems that builds up which I am so grateful for. To see the world through a new set of eyes, filled with hopes, dreams and possibilities. I would certainly recommend, investing in yourself and get a life coach to upgrade yourself and your mindset.
Hopefully you will be as blessed as I was. "